The Copernicus Masters Competition - prijava na razpis

The Copernicus Masters Competition - prijava na razpis


Objavljamo razpis podjetja The Copernicus Masters Competition - rok za prijavo petek, 30. 6. 2017. 


Copernicus Masters Competition

Have you ever considered turning your ideas into a successful business?

The Copernicus Masters Competition countdown is on! Sign up by 30 June.

Earth Observation (EO) and big data possess a huge potential for the creation of innovative products and services. Many industries and areas of public interest benefit from the constant development of the Copernicus programme. To foster market development around Copernicus Services and Sentinel data, the Copernicus Masters - an international competition that awards prizes to innovative Earth Observation applications which provide solutions to business and societal problems - was launched in 2011.

The Copernicus Masters has developed into a driving force in promoting cutting-edge solutions by rewarding innovation. This year’s edition boasts a sizeable prize pool of more than EUR 1.5 million, empowering the transformation of prominent business ideas into real ventures. For the very first time, the European Commission is supporting six of the Challenges - categories -  enriching the Copernicus Masters portfolio and offering not only cash prizes but also business support and coaching to the most promising finalists. To top it off, the overall winner of the competition will be invited to attend the launch of the ADM-Aeolus satellite in Kourou (French Guiana).

Future-oriented teams and individuals from the areas of business, research, and academia now have a chance to win their share of the Copernicus Masters prize pool which has tripled in size vis à vis previous years. The largest international competition for the commercial use of EO data is seeking outstanding ideas, applications, and business concepts that make use of bespoke information in everyday life.

Why not benefit from the most prestigious EO network in Europe? Connect with the leading stakeholders from the Space industry and contribute to bringing innovation to the world! 

There is only one week left to make submissions (30 June is the deadline). So make the most of this unique opportunity to turn a brilliant idea into a successful business solution! More than 900 applications from nearly 60 countries have been submitted during the competitions’ history, of which 55 have been awarded prizes (overall winners and winners per category). You can become one of them!

Read all information about the competition at and register here: and register here: